Gas Modernization Has Arrived
By J.E. Szech
This summer, BGE began work in west Linthicum, upgrading and replacing existing gas mains in Linthicum along Hammonds Ferry Rd. and its connecting side streets. This initiative is part of BGE’s Strategic Infrastructre Development and Enhancement (STRIDE) plan that was approved by the Maryland Public Service Comission in 2014. BGE has invested over $116 million thus far the 2016 phase of the project. You can anticipate more utility work to continue along Hammonds Ferry Rd. from Maple Rd. to Shipley Ct. Residents should also be prepared for major gas line work on Hawthorne, Cleveland, Shipley, Forest View, Oak Grove, and Shipley Ct.
In addition to replacing and upgrading the mains, BGE contractors will also be replacing service lines to individual properties for many homeowners. This intitiative is designed to improve long term gas service safety and reliability. BGE is also planning to move meters that are located in basements to outdoor locations. Int eh firat two years of the STRIDE project, BGE replaced 12,000 service lines to individual homes. A BGE rep or contractor will contact you or leave a door tag should your home be one of those that requires meter relocation.
As always, be sure to ask for ID from BGE or their contractor on this project, Miller Brothers. The contractor is planning to use spot excavations to minimize disturbances on the property as well as the amount of time the plumbers may need to spend inside your home. For many residents this will require taking a day from work while the contractors on site. BGE has stated that all sidewalks, that must be disturbed will be patched and all excavated areas will be re-seeded.
As expected there will be numerous patches and steel plates on the roadways until the project is complete, hopefully the roads will be repaved by BGE’s paving contractor before the winter weather sets in. Please be mindful that severe weather in the late fall or summer could add some level of delay to the project. Patience will be critical when driving through west Linthicum, especially as students return to school and the vacation season ends. Please consider what route you take out of the neighborhood on your daily commute, as there will be workers continuing to control traffic throughout the fall.
Please be aware during this project that the contractors ARE working with natural gas. If at any point you smell natural gas natural gas near a worksite or in your home, leave the property and call 1-800-685-0123. Gas emergency calls are handled 24 hours a day. If you have concerns about how this project affects your property you can call BGE Operation Pipeline at 410-470-7700 or email a manager at
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Linthicum Park Care
LSIA was recently informed by the Director of Recreation and Parks, Mark Garrity, that individuals may be dumping their yard waste in the wooded areas of the park. Please remember that this area is a public space for all, we ask that you please bag your yard waste and follow the new county protocol for disposing of leaves, grass, and branches.
New Meeting Location
IMPORTANT! Due to a new policy that would require LSIA and other community groups to now pay a fee to use county school facilities after hours, LSIA will be holding its General Membership and Board Meetings at St. John’s Church in the Fellowship Hall. Parking is available in the rear of the church. Meetings will continue to be held on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00PM.