The following are the PROPOSED CHANGES to the By-Laws of the Linthicum-Shipley Improvement Association, Inc. to be voted on at the MAY General Meeting. Most of these are “housekeeping,” items or are designed to clarify as well as bring up to date for 2017 and beyond. Only those By-Laws that will be affected are listed.
Article III: Membership
Section 2
The portion of the affected by-law reads: The Treasurer is to maintain an accurate roster of the membership. Suggested change: [Delete The Treasurer] [Add Either the Treasurer or the Secretary] It would then read: Either the Treasurer or the Secretary is to maintain an accurate roster of the membership.
Rationale: The Secretary will begin to perform this task since the Secretary is responsible to follow-up with members who do not pay for memberships. Change suggested by Kevin Plessner.
Article V: Meetings
Section 3
The portion of the affected by-law reads: A majority of all members present at general membership meetings shall be considered a quorum. Delete: [A majority of all] [Add Twenty-five] It would then read: Twenty-five members present at general membership meetings shall be considered a quorum.
Rationale: Several other areas in the by-laws deal with voting rules for the general membership, so this section was solely intended to constitute rules for a quorum and not for voting. We have added a requirement that a minimum number of members, twenty-five, be present at the meeting in case we run into an issue where a small handful of members are able to make major changes to LSIA (e.g. dissolution of the organization or removal of Board members). Change suggested by Kevin Plessner and Celeste Riddle
Article VII: Nominations – Elections
Section 3
The affected by-law reads: The President-elect shall become resident agent of the Association during his/her tenure of office. Delete [shall become] Add [may appoint a substitute] resident agent of the Association during his/her tenure of office. It would then read: The President-elect may appoint a substitute resident agent of the Association during his/her tenure of office.
Rationale: This does not make sense since it would require relatively frequent filings with SDAT. The current resident agent is William Ford of 6225 Groveland Rd., Linthicum 21090 since 1972. The proposed language would give the President authority to change the Resident Agent during his/her tenure as President but does not require it. Change suggested by Kevin Plessner.
Article VIII: Duties of the Executive Board
Section 3
The affected by-law reads: Treasurer: The Treasurer shall receive the dues of the members, and all other monies received, or contributions made to the Association; he or she shall keep an accurate account thereof and be responsible for sending out bills for membership dues. Delete [and be responsible for sending out bills for membership dues.] Add [a period after thereof.] It would then read: Treasurer: The Treasurer shall receive the dues of the members, and all other monies received, or contributions made to the Association; he or she shall keep an accurate account thereof. [period at the end.]
Rationale: Since the Secretary is responsible for sending out the dues reminders, (See Article III Membership, Section 2) the end of this sentence should be eliminated. Change suggested by Celeste Riddle.
Article XI: Travel Regulations
Section 1
The affected by-law reads: Travel expenses will be allowed at the rate of $0.20 per mile for official Association business on authorized trips only. Delete [will be allowed at the rate of $0.20 per mile] Add [shall be reimbursed at the current federal reimbursement rate] It would then read: Travel expenses shall be reimbursed at the current federal reimbursement rate for official Association business on authorized trips only.
Rationale: This eliminates a set amount listed in the by-law and allows for any changes at the federal reimbursement rate. Change suggested by Suzzie Schuyler.
The above proposed by-laws changes were approved and accepted by the Executive Board on Thursday, March 23, 2017.
LSIA By-Laws Committee:
Celeste Riddle, Chairman; Sandy Hartzell, Glen Haller