Linthicum Community Sign - Progress Report #05

The “Welcome to Linthicum” sign restoration is complete, and will be unveiled to all who join us at the National Electronics Museum, this Saturday (October 5th) evening between 7:00pm and 9:00pm.  Light refreshments, water, soda, and white wine will be served.  The National Electronic Museum is located at 1745 W Nursery Road.  A $5 donation per person to help offset the cost of the restoration and unveiling ceremony is requested.


The attached progress report continues tracking the restoration of our community's beautiful "Welcome to Linthicum" sign to near completion.  With this report, the chiseling and removal of the original finish has been completed.  New replacement battens have been installed.  And the remaining areas in the sign planks with serious wood rot have been mortised out and new redwood pieces installed.   The refinishing process has started, as primer and finishes are being applied.  To catch up on what's happening enjoy reading Progress Report #5.


So, to read the 5th Progress Report, click on: "Linthicum Community Sign – Progress Report #05."