Citizens Against the SCMagLev (CATS) and the Maryland Coalition for Responsible Transit
(MCRT) assembled a team of experts from various fields and disciplines to review the SCMagLev
Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS). We have found the DEIS significantly deficient in
many critical areas, including in addressing Safety and Crashworthiness.
To read the entire MCRT-CATS submission, go to:, click on the SCMaglev
Opposition tab, and select MCRT SCMagLev DEIS Comments.
The DEIS analysis of the Project’s safety contains serious errors and omissions.
The DEIS fails to adequately present data on the safety and crashworthiness of the SCMagLev and support structures and systems.
The safety claims of JP Central, echoed by the Northeast Maglev, must be independently evaluated applying the U.S. safety standard called Rules of Particular Applicability.
The DEIS fails to present adequate information about the generation, storage, and safe handling of liquid helium needed to super cool the SCMagLev magnets. It does not adequately address the emergency procedures that would need to be instituted to address cryogenic storage or systems failure.
The DEIS fails to present adequate information on electricity generation and transmission and the full energy consumption needed to build and operate the SCMagLev. It presents contradictory information on the far-higher energy requirements for the SCMagLev compared with high-speed rail analyses originating in Japan.
The DEIS lacks information on cybersecurity, physical security, and terrorism attack planning, and on who pays the costs associated with maintaining the security envelope surrounding the SCMagLev physical structures.
U.S. expert assessment of the safety of the train system, in a manner akin to the safety and crashworthiness assessments of Amtrak and other U.S. rail transportation systems, is needed.
The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) must develop Rules of Particular Applicability (RPA) allowing public comment for the independent assessment of the SCMagLev system BEFORE their Record of Decision is completed and published.
No independent assessment and evaluation of the train, structures, and systems to U.S. safety standards apart from a system currently running on a test and development track.
The recommendations are the following:
(1) Best Option: The Federal Railroad Administration Should Select the No Build Option.
Over $28 million of taxpayer dollars have already been spent studying the cost and benefit
of building the SCMagLev. The costs far outweigh any benefit. Stop the Project now and
invest the saved tax dollars into fixing and upgrading existing transportation infrastructure
(roads, bridges, tunnels), including Amtrak and regional rail systems such as MARC and VRE.
(2) Alternative Option (1 of 2): Establish Rules of Particular Applicability.
If the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) decides to continue its consideration of building
the SCMagLev, U.S. Safety Standards (Rules of Particular Applicability [RPA]) must be
established. The RPA MUST INDEPENDENTLY assess, evaluate, and test support structures
and support and operating systems, especially cybersecurity strength and the
crashworthiness and survivability of the train, and provide these analysis and findings to the
public—with a 180-day review and comment period—BEFORE deliberating on a decision to
begin construction of the SCMagLev is even considered.
(3) Alternative Option (2 of 2): Prepare a Supplemental DEIS.
A supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) should be assembled to
address the comments, concerns, and questions identified and provided to the Federal
Railroad Administration. The supplemental DEIS would address the deficiencies, missing and
obfuscated information, and missing analyses and data identified during the review and
analysis of the SCMagLev DEIS by numerous teams of experts, including those affiliated with
local city and county governments, community, civic, and environmental organizations. This
supplemental DEIS needs to be provided to the—with a 180-day review and comment
period—BEFORE deliberating on a decision to begin construction of the SCMagLev is even
The Maryland Coalition for Responsible Transit (MCRT) a nonprofit organization formed in 2020. MCRT’s mission is to evaluate transit projects for social equity, environmental justice, economic viability, and community accessibility. See MCRT’s Facebook page and our website at Contact the MCRT at
Citizens Against the SCMagLev (CATS) is an organization formed in 2016 when the initial Baltimore-Washington Rapid Rail (BWRR) and Northeast Maglev proposal to build the first phase of Japan’s SCMagLev train between Baltimore, Maryland, and Washington, D.C. As many questions were raised and not answered by the BWRR, community concerns arose. Residents came together to represent the interests of their communities and form CATS. CATS has evolved into a confederation of scientists, engineers, experts, community organizations, and citizens in support of transportation infrastructure improvements that benefit our communities, state, and nation. CATS has written numerous articles and provided testimony on legislation in Annapolis and has met with elected officials in Washington, D.C.,
CATS has identified better high-speed rail and commuter rail alternatives. See our CATS Facebook page at and our website at