SCMagLev - ASAP - Support AAC Resolution 24-21

Hi all,

You have read article after article on why the SCMagLev is not good for our community and

county. Several members of our Anne Arundel County Council are opposed to building the

SCMagLev and all of the destruction and damage to our County this boondoggle will bring.

We need your help now!

Please send the following email to Sarah Lacey, AA County Council Chair at

Subject: Vote For AAC Resolution 24-21

AA County Chair Lacey,

I ask you and the Council to vote in favor of Resolution 24-21 “Oppose the Baltimore-

Washington Superconducting Maglev Project.”

The environmental impact to our county and state will be disastrous and unrecoverable. There

is a long list of safety and crashworthiness concerns that would require the FRA to develop

Rules of Particular Applicability (American Safety Standards). FRA’s time and resources would

be far better applied to working with current regional commuter rail systems like Amtrak, MARC,

and VRE to continue enhancing services to communities, especially underserved communities.

The potential human health dangers adding to the growing amount of electromagnetic radiation,

the SCMagLev would expose people daily, as well as the pollution and dangerous emissions

coming from the building and operation of the SCMagLev. These environmental community and

health impacts far outweigh building a train system that only the wealthier among us can afford

to ride and the majority would seldom if ever use.

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